Praise For “GPS to Joy”

G.P.S. to Joy lives up to its title and so much more. If you are going through a tough period in your life or a major transition and feel you are stuck, then this book is for you. We all can go through huge trauma in our lives and we can heal and grow from it. This book provides practical advice with exercises that will empower and transform your life, no matter what you have been through. Maryl has her own story of adversity and has come out on the other side with joy, and so she speaks with experience and amazing wisdom.
Kim Quick

About G.P.S. to Joy, all I can say is, WOW! Bottom line: Maryl’s words have helped me unlock my joy! I have gone from unclear to clarity by using the process. I have an amazing experience of true joy in my relationship and a new level of performance in my business with confidence and peace of mind. This book helped me move forward quickly.
Maryl has a gentle and engaging writing style that very quickly replaces fog and fear with peace and deep clarity. Her mentoring in the book has moved me into NEW actions that have up-leveled my love life and my business success.
With G.P.S. to Joy, I’m clear on what brings me joy and what doesn’t, and I now have an extraordinary love and powerful results in my business that definitely came from me getting clarity for myself using her process and letting go of ways of approaching love and business that weren’t working.
Her mastery as a coach entails digging directly to the underbelly of the obstacles and aiding in releasing them, so you powerfully move forward to have what you want.
Carmen Torres

G.P.S. to Joy is exactly the book I needed at the right time! The guidance it provides is fast and simple to use. It has made my experience as a new empty nester so much easier to navigate. I’ve used the Joy Activation Process on different challenges and it really works! If you are an empty nester or have just gone through a really hard life event, this book is a great remedy to moving through to the other side.
I’ve never known someone who is so dedicated to helping people rise up and transform. Her positive energy is a guiding light that uplifts people to new heights. Maryl excels at helping you find your path and provides the framework to find new direction to recreate your life. Maryl has helped ground me, course correct and has provided the type of honest, pure, unadulterated joie de vivre and support while helping me navigate my life after divorce and the “empty-nest syndrome.” In G.P.S. to Joy, Maryl reaffirms the benefit of honest communication and how to discover my new needs, wants and desires. This advice was spot on in my love relationship, and as important, in my family connections. G.P.S. to Joy “speaks” straight from the heart from someone has mastered the art of leveraging even the toughest transitions.
Curtis W. Lewis

Maryl has been a source of inspiration for me in many ways. First, her ability to ask questions that prompt me to look at areas that I had not thought of and get surprising new insights, answers, and actions. She also has been a great teacher, and I’ve learned to change my perceptions and develop new ideas and ways to handle triggers and loops from the past. Lastly, her vast business experience has helped guide me through some of the most difficult business decisions in my career.